Bob Draper wrote:

>A few years ago I heard a piano concerto of Salieri's played on the
>Landscape channel (a now defunct UK cable channel).  I was astonished
>at how beautiful a piece it was (after seeing said film).  I have never
>been able to track down a recording of it.

I don't know how many piano concerti Salieri wrote, but two of them, in
B flat and C, appear to be the only ones recorded.  About 12 years ago I
purchased a Sound/Fidelio disc of these two concertos performed by none
other than Aldo Ciccolini.  That disc seems to be deleted now, but there
are at least two others in print: Staier playing a fortepiano on Teldec,
and Spada on ASV.  Although I have not heard either one, my guess is that
the Staier would be better.

Overall, my memory of the concertos is favorable.  The music was tuneful,
and Aldo gave a sparkling performance.

Don Satz
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