I am in desparate need of some party pieces for piano.  Can any pianists
please suggest something? I am grade 8 standard (does that mean anything
in the US?) so for example I can play the first movement of the Beethoven
op 10 no 2 in F major up to speed and the Pathetique (which I am working on
at the moment) is showing light at the end of the tunnel.  I was thinking
along the lines of something American (perhaps Bernstein? if he wrote
anything suitable for piano).  Maybe Rach if he wrote anything fun.  I
was also thinking about the Maple Leaf Rag but I am not a great Rag Fan.
Possibly popular as well.  I was looking for Jerry Lee Lewis's Great balls
of fire but only found piss easy simplifications of it - need big glisses
etc.  Anyway something nice and diatonic.

The Pathetique is a masterpiece to be sure but (with all due respect to Mr
B) it's not exactly what you'd call fun.

I suppose you could try Schoenberg just for the weirdness factor...

David Stewart
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