Kai Czepiczka writes:

>Another, but older composer in this Finlandia series worth listening to is
>Leevi Madetoja [1887-1947].  These 2CDs offer his Symphonies Nos.  1-3, the
>"Comedy Overture", the symphonic poem "Kullervo" and the two suites "The
>Ostrobothnians" and "Okon Fuoko".

I've heard most of these works on alternative recordings on Chandos.  I'll
second the recommendation for the music itself.  The second symphony is
particularly impressive, and there are excellent individual movements in
the others.  The style is rather like Sibelius from around the time of the
Lemminkainen Legends, with some Hanson thrown in.

However, to me, Chandos's orchestra (the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, IIRC)
sounds underweight.  The Finlandia CDs (which I haven't heard) might well
be the better bet, particularly since they have a few extra pieces.

Peter Varley
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