The South American (Argentine) Mass called < Misa Criolla (pronounced Missa
Criodja - like "Cri-odge-a" as in Hodge) is a release of Philips Classics
featuring Jose Carreras (Philips 420955-2) and is such a good seller (in
Europe at least) that I doubt it has been deleted.

The artists involved in this (the 2nd, but digital version) were the Coral
Salve de Laredo & the Sociedad Coral de Bilbao (July 1987).  The earlier
"original" Philips recording has long since disappeared.

The Misa Criolla was also filmed by Philips Classics in the late 1980s but
around a choir at a Catholic sanctuary in California (sorry, can't remember
the name).  I don't think it was ever released as the Laser Disc was dying
at the time although I recall supervising the sub-titling (summer '94).

For the above CD I would suggest a contact with an UK mail order house to
try to obtain it.  I use [log in to unmask] - they are reliable and

Incidentally whilst at Philips Classics we recorded and filmed its "sister"
disc in Kenya, the African Mass called < Missa Luba (but without Carreras!)
with the excellent Muungano National Choir under Boniface Mganga (Jan.
1990).  It contains some equally haunting melodies and rhythms (Philips

But that said, and with the former PolyGram Classics being in its current
state of quasi-meltdown, it may indeed be difficult, nay impossible, to
find these CDs now!

John G. Deacon
Pipedown: The Campaign for Freedom from Piped Music