[log in to unmask] writes:

>I am quite the opposite.  I find that Baroque, (as some Classical period),
>music makes *too* much sense, and I quickly tire of it.
>Yes, even Bach

I am wondering if your tiredness of Baroque on the grounds that it is
"making too much sense" means that you grow tired of diatonic/tonal music
or tired of musical relationships(circle progressions) or something along
these lines.  I'm just curious is all.  I never tire of Bach(Unless I
listen to the same piece over and over again for days at a time which I
have done).  I must say that I have grown tired of some later Baroque
music like Vivaldi.  I love much of his music but I grow VERY tired of
the endless sequences of up a 4th down a 3rd....up a 4th down a 3rd.  I
mean.....Bach uses this sequence sometimes as does EVERY Baroque composer
born after about 1670.  but Vivaldi seems to make an entire piece out of
it.  I have several of the Vivaldi complete opus' and I adore much of them
but sheesh.  vivaldi quickly fell from the top of my favorites list.  But
I still like Vivaldi very much so I won't say anything else.  =:^)
