Nick Perovich responds to Bob Draper:

>>It's like Pavlov's dogs.  The listener starts salivating in
>>anticipation of a performance by Karajan before a note has been
>Exactly the attitude that characterizes so many members of this  list.

I'm salivating right now in anticipation of listening to the new disc I
just ordered, volume 4 of Russell Sherman's traversal of Beethoven's piano
sonatas on the GM label.  I better make sure I don't salivate on Bob or

By the way, Sherman's series is outstanding; I'm coming from a preference
for my Beethoven to be performed seriously and with a priority on finding
the soul of the music.  If this sounds good to you, don't delay in buying

As for Nick and Bob, those guys should get together and compile a list
of strong complaints - 100 sheets of 8.5 x 11 writing paper should do the
trick.  But please guys, don't send me any copies.  I've got enough
complaints of my own.

Don Satz
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