Felix Delbrueck wrote:

>If one comes from a more basically musical perspective, as you probably
>are (I'm assuming your technical knowledge is greater than mine), then
>Mozart's works are indeed more direct than Beethoven's, because they take
>place on the fundamental level of music and musical expression, whereas
>Beethoven's works also operate on an added metaphorical or philosophical
>layer which obscures that purer musical discourse.

Felix sure does like to get down the the "nuts and bolts" of a musical
discussion.  I agree completely with his perception.  I also think that the
different time periods in which Mozart and Beethoven lived had much to do
with composing music for music's sake (Mozart) and composing music which
gives expression to non-musical factors.

There's one thing I'd like to clear up.  Felix's comment, "I'm assuming
your technical knowledge is greater than mine", bothers me some.  I've also
received some private e-mails indicating the same.  My intensive musical
training ended when I was about 12 years, and I have not studied music at
all since that time.  Whatever I have retained from that early period is
surely exceeded by what I have forgotten.  List members like Stirling,
Aaron, Wes, Judith, and Kyle are the technical experts; my apologies for
inadvertently leaving anyone out.  I'm just a relatively normal/regular guy
who loves women, music, and aggressive physical activity (in that order).
A "perfect" evening for me is engaging in a 3-round amateur boxing match
(they don't usually last that long) with Wagner bellowing out of the
loudspeaker system, then going home and getting romantic with my wife.
That's my idea of an "upbeat trilogy." I also have my "tender' side which
I can't deny is sometimes hard to locate, but my wife has no problem
finding it within me.

Don Satz
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