Do you have the complete anthems which take up 11 CD's worth or just a
sampler? Also the same about the Odes and Welcome songs.  Both of these
large bodies of work I find to have the absolute best performances by the
King's Consort under Robert King along with the King's Consort Choir and
the Choir if New College Oxford. should listen to the secular solo songs and the symphony
songs....these are masterfully beautiful works.  All of the pieces I have
mentioned in this posting are to be found on the hyperion label and let me
tell you....they are not cheap.  Usually around 18.99 a CD.  Try them
out...I'm sure you'll love them.

There are also the 3 part sonatas of 1683 adn the 4 part sonatas of 1696
a well as the fantazias for viol consort.  I'm not sure if you have all
of these on your instrumental music disc or not.  I found the sonatas a 3
to have a wonderful performance by Christopher Hogwood, Christopher Coin,
Rachel Podger, and Pavlo Beznosiuk on the L'Oiseau-Lyre label.  For the
Sonatas a 4 I reccommend the perfornamce by the Locke Consort on the
Channel Label.  For the Fantazias I think the best performance is clearly
by the fine group called Fretwork which is on the Virgin Veritas label.
