Andrew Carlan wrote:

>There aren't two people on this bawd who are at opposite ends of the
>poles (or even the Estonians and there isn't much territory in Estonia to
>separate people) as Satz and me.  We have instictively decided to ignore
>each other.  Yet we are cursed with each other, like inmates put in the
>same 4 x 8 cell.

That's an oppressive scenario.  Actually, I wan't aware that Andrew and I
were at opposite ends - our views on Nielsen are not far apart, and we have
shared views on Cherubini string quartets.  I put list members in one of
two categories - nice folk or pills.  Andrew's always in the former.  A
mere handful, at most, are in the latter.

There have been list members who stated that they "strongly" disagreed with
most of my views, and that's not fair.  I can't see why the fact that most
of my views are held by long-term prison inmates should go against me.

Don Satz
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