John Wiser, with Arthur Benjamin in mind, recalled:

>There was also a set of 18th C. dances orchestrated by Benjamin and
>titled "Cotillion." I knew it from an ABC transcription LP disc of a
>radio band led by one Joseph [?] Post.  Wish I had it by me, but it's
>long beyond my ken.

Cotillon (a later recording) and Benjamin's Overture to an Italian Comedy
are on a 2-CD set on ABC Classics 442 374 called Australian Light Classics.
Several of the shorter pieces by other composers were used for domestic TV
series, so I'm not sure whether the set is available outside Australia.
But the Benjamin of the symphony that I mentioned is very different.

He is also the subject of the last movement of Howells' The Bs on Chandos,
a wonderful piece!

Richard Pennycuick
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