John Wiser wrote:

>Strongest endorsement here for the Princeton Record Exchange; prices
>are much better than anywhere in NYC, and the selection is very large.

Here here!  I second that; be warned, though, that I am not a particularly
impartial judge (school pride being so assertive nowadays).  The Record
Exchange has done great wonders to my CD collection over the course of
the past year, although the previous summer's earnings were depleted from
hundreds to $8.74 as a result.  How I wish I had snapped up the Horenstein
LSO Mahler 9 when I saw it, though...

Jason Greshes responded:

>>I must disagree on this.
>>Princeton has a very good selection of bargain basement fodder for $4.99,
>>but Academy in NYC has an almost equal amount, priced at $3.99 a copy,

Weeeeel, the first part is not quite true.  To its credit, P-Rex does have
quite a bit of stuff in the $1.99-$3.99 range, although there's a goodly
bit of trash mixed in with the gems (I don't include "A Karajan
Spectacular!" or its ilk among the gems, FWIW).

>>[Academy in NYC has] a much better selection of new trade-ins, twice or
>>more the amount of back catalog used items.

No arguments here on that point, but P-Rex suits this consumer's needs just
fine.  Does Academy, per chance, have a web page I could visit for more
information? Thanks in advance.

everitt clark
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