Steven Martin <[log in to unmask]>

>Respighi: Piano Concerto, Toccata / Scherbakov, Griffiths
>7/1/95  Naxos 8553207
>Respighi: Sinfonia Drammatica /Nazareth, Slovak Philharmonic
>6/1/99  Naxos 8550951
>Are these worth getting?  How are the pieces themselves?

I do not know these recordings, but the works.  The piano concerto (in
a-minor) is a very early work by Respighi (compared to the Roman Triptych).
Its well crafted, but it did not impress me too much.  Better try his later
piano concerto (Concerto In Modo Misolidio), a 40 minutes, stunning work,
which can compare well with Rachs.  3rd or Prokoviefs 2nd (in my opinion)
- which is also available from Naxos (though I have the Chandos release
with Downes and the BBC PO which is quite good)!  The Sinfonia again is a
rather early work and misses these *Roman*, elegiac and beautyful moments
you find in many of Respighis later works, e.g.  the Triptych, the Concerto
Gregoriano (for violin - highly recommendet!) or the Poema Autunnale.
Nevertheless the symphony is an interesting work by a young composer who
tried to write something huge, romantic and dramatic.  Not a masterpiece
but I would give it a try!

Achim Breiling