Wilson Pereira wrote:

>Mr. Constantini expressed about a month ago the point of view that
>he wouldn't recommend a recording of the Romanian conductor Sergiu
>Celibidache, even not listening to any of his very few recordings.  Now he
>says that conductors like Jeffrey Tate can't be called conductors because
>of his spinal desease and because of his homosexualy.  From time to time I
>see this kind of thing in this list.  I would like to say that this trend
>is totally out of date.  Why people insist on this fallacy?

Well,about Celibedache,that is my opinion.  About Jeffrey Tate,i think
Wilson didn't read carefully my E-mail.  I never said Tate can't be a
conductor.  And to be clear,i have nothing about his conducting,because
he is or not homosexual,or handiccaped.  I was speaking about the
"Trascendental" meaning of the word "Maestro".The real meaning of the word
"Trascendental" in every language on the earth,is related to the hidden
meaning of a word,it implies the "esoteric" wich is the real significance
of the things wich are cover by the forms.  In that world,a "Maestro" can
not have any major handicapp.(of course i am speaking about the handicapps
of that context).  I am clarifying this because i received a private E-Mail
from a person who feel ofended by my opinions.I thing now is clear.Is
nothing personal,is just an explanation of a meaning of a word.  An about
the term fallacy,for me is not a fallacy.  Cordially:
