Jim Saunders <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I haven't had the pleasure of hearing any Celi recordings yet.  But I've
>seen some of the timings on the CD cases for his Bruckner performances--for
>instance, the 4th Symphony has been "squeezed" onto 2 discs? (Which means
>to me that it must last at least 15 minutes longer than more "traditional"
>readings.) Before I take the $15.00 plunge, does anyone have comment on
>this performance, or on other Bruckner performances by Celi?
>Of course, with me, recorded sound quality is also critically important .
>. .  thanks.

Celibidache's timings are indeed very broad; however those listed on
the EMI series are somewhat misleading when compared to other recordings
because the producers chose to include, in most cases, applause (sometimes
both before and after the performance, separately banded so they can be
programmed out), and have retained the rather protracted pauses between

The 4th symphony (78 minutes, no applause)is on 1 disk.  While there are
probably studio recordings with even better sound, the quality of this
disk, in keeping with the entire series, is very fine.

Even some critics who are unimpressed by Celibidache as a rule have called
this particular recording revelatory.  I think it would be a good disk with
which to get one's feet wet.  Those who can't stand Bruckner might like to
try his Brahms (either EMI or DG).

D Dickstein