Madeline Millard wrote:

>At the risk of decapitation, should Dr. Tate take umbrage to my fighting
>his battles, I feel some response to the recent thread concerning his
>health is necessary.

I doubt you have anything to worry about, Madeline.  Nice to see you're
still tapped in and I enjoyed your letter a lot.  Anyone who can conduct
a Ring has sure passed my physical exam.

I doubt Tate will get BSO.  He has never gotten the press around here
that RAttle, Haitink, and Previn get, though I think his concerts are among
the best we get from this orchestra.  Last year I didn't go to his concert
because of the program, but this year I think he's doing something that
interests me me more so I'll be there.  And I wish he'd do more here.  I
also wish he'd do more English music when he does come.  He's just about
the only conductor who does any at all here.  I think the only Elgar I've
heard from the BSO was his Enigma and a marvelous Second Symphony.  But I'm
a big Brucknerian, too, so if I can't have Elgar, I am (and was) glad to
settle for his Bruckner 2nd.

And I'm still looking for his recording of Elgar 1.

I haven't even heard his name mentioned for the BSO job, which is too
bad--though come to think of it, maybe I'm speaking prematurely.  The only
rumors I've heard about successors have been from the List!  So who knows?
He would be on my short list.

Roger Hecht