Roger Hecht wrote:

>There is one more thing, though.  The majors tend to record major names and
>orchestras.  These people and groups are very expensive.  Too expensive.
>Yes, maybe some costs are passed on to the consumer, but one of Naxos'
>secrets is that it records less expensive performers and groups.  ...
>What does puzzle me is the full-price labels that record performers no
>better known than those Naxos uses.  Why are those CDs so expensive?

I think the above is well put, but we should not underestimate another
side, cost is not the whole thing.  People are willing to pay more.
Although major record companies spend a lot of money building names and
reputations, they do so because people buy it.  It's a profitable way
for record companies to spend money.  Not everyone who is qualified
gets 'targeted' for fame and the money it generates.  Naxos seems to
do a good job finding some of these folks.

But the simple fact is, just looking at the production and other costs is
incomplete.  People are willing to spend more, the majors do a good job
giving them a reason to spend it with them.

"Tom Connor" <[log in to unmask]>