Denis Fodor wrote:

>When you heard Boskowsky conduct the the VPO in the New Year's concerts,
>THAT was Johann Strauss; or Furtwaengler playing Beethoven; or Fricsay,
>Bartok; or Martinon Debussy; or Serafin Verdi.

I would probably agree that Boskowsky (and a few others) "are" Johann
Strauss (though a lot of other conductors and orchestras can produce
imitations so close that they fool my ignorant ears, at least).  But
is there in fact one "echt" way of doing Beethoven? Is there a sacred
tradition, handed down from the master to his pupils to theirs, like
Zen masters or Japanese flower arrangers, which is so authentic that no
outsiders need apply as Beethoven interpreters? And even in the case of a
composer so soaked in ethnicity as Bartok -- can't non-Hungarians ever get
him right? (Similar arguments would apply to Debussy and Verdi, but I won't
bother to repeat.)

Jon Johanning // [log in to unmask]