Roy Ellefsen wrote:

>I have had the pleasure of corrseponding with fellow list member Donald
>Satz who mentioned to me his fondness of Zemlinsky.  I told him that
>although I know the name, I know little of that composer's music.  I asked
>him for some entry-level Zemlinsky recommendations.  I thought that I might
>benefit from extending that request to all Zemlinksy lovers.  What do you

Die Siejungfrau--Dausgaard (Chandos)
Lyric Symphony--many many good ones.  Chailly about the most mainstream,
coupled with some fascinating orchestrated songs by Alma Mahler.  Gielen on
Arte Nova is cheap, very dramatic, but you miss some of Chailly's lyricism.
Maeterlinck Songs.  Coupled to a few Lyric Symphonies.  Jordan (FNAC).
French style in Lyric, and interesting.  Also the Klee recording, which
is quite good.  There are also two good ones not coupled to the Lyric
Symphony.  Svenden (Forlane) with a gorgeous Elgar Sea Pictures.

The String Quartets.

If you like opera:

Sarema.  Not typical Zemlinsky, but a very good opera if you like the
Verist style, though this has more of an Eastern European feel, naturally.
Very dramatic and romantic.  The overture is coupled with Dausgaard's
Siejungfrau for a sample.

Florentine Tragedy. Great opera, more severe than the others. Chailly is

Kleider machen Leute. A beautiful, lyrical work.

Der Geburtstag der Infantin (The Dwarf). Another fine lyrical opera.

Sinfonia. Coupled with Dausgaard's Siejungfrau--a nice performance, though
Conlon and Klee are better. Trouble is Conlon is coupled with what I think
is an inferior Siejungfrau.

Zemlinsky is a wonderful composer.

Roger Hecht