David Stewart wrote, comparing the Requiem to the Great Mass:

>It (Great Mass) is more balanced:  you have the power of the Kyrie with
>the lightness of the Laudamus te and the exhiliration of the Credo.
>The problem (for me) (but the asset to others) is that the Requiem is
>a constant stream of hard-hiting music.

Although I never thought of it that way, David is correct about the
hard-hitting nature of the Requiem in comparison to the Great Mass.  But,
that's not my problem with the Requiem.  I love hard-hitting music as long
as it hits me the right way.  I just think that the Great Mass is more
consistently excellent in musical invention.  Of course, *others* having
finished the Requiem has much to do with it.

Don Satz
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