Walter Meyer wrote:

>Nicolas Croze-Orton wrote:
>...  I think the Beethoven violin concerto is one of the most
>boring concerto`s ever written.  Any other list member`s on my side?
>He's not a list member but the critic B.H. Haggin wrote in his *Listener's
>Companion and Record Guide*, "Except for the beautiful writing in the
>development section of the first movement, at the solo violin's second
>entrance, this work would be regarded with less awe if Beethoven's name
>were not attached to it."  ...

You could also say that Haggin was an excellent example of the critic
who is both sycophantic and overly impressed with his own utterances.
As Sibelius is supposed to have said, "never was a monument erected to
a critic." (He forgot about the statue of Hanslick, however.)

Chris Bonds