Roger Hecht wrote:

>Don't get too excited about the Second. At least from what I heard about
>it. It's supposed to be one of Harris's weakest.

I would not agree.  I have looked at the score off and on for several
years.  The second movement seems to be the weakest.  It is rather canonic
as I recall and it gets a bit thick.  It is a piece that will take a
conductor who can really push it and make the most out of the high points.

I remember a review that Elliot Carter wrote of the 3rd in which he
stated something to the effect that he thought the Second was a better
piece.  There were some notational problems in the parts that angered
Koussevitzky, hence Burgin conducted the first performance.  That story
came from Harris.  He also said that he didn't think it was a good piece.
