Over the last several months, I have purchased several volumes (in 2 CD
sets) from the Great Pianists of the Twentieth Century series.  I phoned
Philips (Universal Music, NYC) to see if and when they might issue a
complete box set(s) of the series.  They indicated, in October, they would
release all 200 cds in one complete box set.  They said a price had not
been determined.  I was hoping they would release it in two box sets to
make it initially more affordable, but they said that this was not the
plan.  Does anyone know of any retailers in the U.K.  who are making this
box set available? I know for those on this list this is not a concern
since they already own many of these recordings, under previous issues
(I've been only seriously collecting CM for 4 years).

"Stuart Karow" <[log in to unmask]>