Nicolas Croze-Orton wrote:

>I find their solo piano music enjoyable and their chamber music usually
>better than most "larger" labels.  Most of my chamber music recordings are
>Naxos.  I would never recommend symphonic works, except maybe the recent
>Rautauvaara releases.  Beethoven, Bruckner etc...  Never under Naxos.

I used to have a similar view concerning Naxos works with orchestra.
However, in recent years I think that the label has significantly upgraded
the orchestras and conductors utilized.  Their recent Beethoven symphony
series is better than the previous one, and the Tintner/Bruckner series
appears to be a big winner (I'm not the one to compare Bruckner

So, Nicolas might find that a re-investigation of Naxos orchestral
recordings is beneficial.  On the other hand, there wouldn't be any great
loss in avoiding them.

Don Satz
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