Bob Draper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Felix Delbrueck said:
>>If this is the case, then I can also very much recommend Furtwaengler's
>>DG recording of no. 88 - maybe too slow for some tastes, but with a
>>wonderful rhythm and swing in the outer movements, and a very beautiful
>>slow movement. ...
>I haven't heard the Furtwaengler 88 but the best version I"ve heard is Karl
>Bohm with the VPO on DG Privilege.
>Didn't Furtwaengler record any other Haydn?

There are 3 extant recordings of Haydn 88: VPO Stuttgart 22/10/51, BPO
5/12/51 (the DG studio) and RAI Turin, 3/3/52; 2 of 94: VPO Stockholm
25/9/50 and VPO 11,12,17/1/51 (HMV studio); and one of 104: Orquestra
del Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires 14/4/50.

The supposed wartime 104 isued by Melodiya and then by Discocopr and DG
(in the wartime box) has been identified as the BRO/Alfons Dressel Mercury

Consequently, the only two studio recordinga re owned by different

>I wonder if other group members find it as annoying as I do when record
>companies mix works by different composers on the same CD.

Not usually.  I can't think of a better pairing than the Debussy and Ravel
quartets, for example, the latter being inspired by the former.

OTOH I could have done without Crumb's Black Angels c/w Schubert's DEath
and the Maiden on a disc by hmmmm? Mainly because I dislike the Crumb.

Deryk Barker
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