I was browsing in a CD store last night in Perth and came upon several
discs under the BBC Radio Series.  What appealed to me are the live
recordings of these performances - no splicing etc etc (I hope).

I requested a CD by Annie Fischer (Beethoven Sonatas) to be played over the
speakers and I'm surprised by the very decent sound recording in this disc.
And, oh yeah, Fischer is as marvellous as ever in Beethoven Sonatas (along
with the EMI versions). The recordings are recorded in the early 70s.

In Australia, these discs are selling at mid-price and the licence is held
by IMP Carlton. Another disc that I spotted in this series is Barbirolli
conducting Bruckner 8 - and on a single disc. Can't wait.

Could list member provide more information on this series and recommend
discs from this series, if any.

Kar Ming