John Smyth wrote:

>While undeniably fresh and invigorating performances, I found myself
>wondering how real string instruments would sound, (oops!  did *I* say
>that?), in some of the more languorous moments--esp.  the first of the

Last time I looked, stringed instruments, whether HIP or "real", all had
strings, bridges, necks etc.  So don't you really mean "how real string
PLAYERS would sound"?

>I had the hardest time finding a CD that contained both sextets.  Finally,
>I found a Denon CD with the Kocian Quartet and members of the Smetana
>Quartet--got the lushness I wanted!

Well, as Mr.  Satz would say, it's nice that we have different approaches
to these works available to us, so we can indulge our different tastes.
Mine go toward less glutin.

Bill H.