Bob Draper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Let's not go overboard here.  When I say I liked soem these works I meant
>compared to most of the Mozart output.  but to put these on a par with the
>better Beethoven concertos is going too far.  I'd put them equal with the
>Haydn concerto in D.  You don't even mention the Brahm's concertos which
>are more exciting in my view.

Now I think it is you who go too far.  Mozart's piano concertos surely are
some of the most sublime masterpieces of Western Art (capitals intended).
I'm not quite so convinced by 25 & 26, but certainly from say 17 onwards
there is not a dud among them.

I don't think Beethoven himself would have agreed with you BTW.  He made a
remark to Schindler IIRC regarding K.466 on the lines that neither of them
would ever produce anything so wonderful.  Anyone got the exact quote?

Andwhile I admire the Brahms concertos I wouldn't place them above
Mozart's; indeed the finest of Mozart's I'd put before Brahms any day.

>I can't find a lot to enjoy in most Mozart sonatas.  In the one with the
>Turkish Rondo, this movement seems completely incongruent to me.  A few
>rate alongside Haydn's/Beethovens but not many.

Here I'm more in agreement, although there *is* a lot to enjoy.

>Dave also said that Bach's(?) famous Toccatta and Fugue was a bad work.
>Yet, for many people this is THE work that is synonymous with Bach.  And,
>I have trouble explaining why I like Bach as this is the one work that is
>emotionally stimulating.

??? How about the B minor Mass, the Passions, just for starters? If you
think Bach is emotionless you are really missing the point.

Deryk Barker
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