I've mentioned in previous threads that I consider Robert King the foremost
conductor of Handel's music.  I was listening to a few of his Handel
recordings on Hyperion last night, and I was again astounded at how King
brings out the true excellence of Handel, far more than any other Handel
conductor I've heard.

Given my personal preference, I am surprised at King's lack of great
reputation in the baroque repertoire.  Just out of curiosity, I went into
a music web site and discovered that King had 59 recordings available.
Most of them are of Handel and Purcell, but King has also recorded Mozart,
Bach, Telemann, Blow, Pergolesi, Albioni, Vivaldi, Schutz, Buxtehude,
Kuhnau, and D. & A.  Scarlatti.  This is a fairly large discography for
a young artist.

So, I continue being bewildered at King's lack of high status.  Everyone
hears of Gardiner, Norrington, Christie, Herreweghe, Koopman, etc.  Why
not King?

Don Satz
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