A while ago I wrote

>When, many years ago, Tintner was conducting the Queensland Symphony
>Orchesra on a regular basis, he seemed so frail that I sometimes wondered
>if he would last to his next scheduled concert.  Since then he seems to
>have produced a number of highly recommended recordings!
>Perhaps in his case touring would be a bit too much of an effort.
>BTW, all those years ago he was very highly regarded in Brisbane.
>We heard him first!

As a result I have had two private communications, one from Bill(Y) Kitson
of ours:

   Alan, One of the Many/Myriad of Lists i "subscribe" to has Mrs Georg
   Tintner on it?? She says he is STILL working as often as ever - he
   was recently in Brisbane!!  I reckon he is one of the "Miracles" of
   Conducting - I've met him = he is so small and frail!!

And the other - longer - from Mrs Georg Tintner, which with her permission
I quote in full

   Dear Mr Dudley,

   I just ran across your posting about my husband on Classical-List,
   with several nice comments.  I was somewhat amused at seeing that
   hoary old "frail" story once again - I can assure you that my husband
   hasn't given up concertising in the least, and CERTAINLY not because
   he's too "frail" (he has in fact never cancelled a concert due to
   illness in his life).  You may be interested to know that back in
   the days when you wondered if he'd make it through his concerts, what
   he was actually doing was:  riding his bicycle 16 km from home (in
   the Samford Valley) to Ferny Grove Station (a hilly ride, with one
   big hill as you go over the range), then rehearsing for six hours as
   it was in those days, with only two 15-minute breaks all day, and
   then if I didn't go to pick him up he would ride those 16 km home
   again (same hills, same big one over the range).  And he did this
   until we moved to Canada - when he was 70.  So I think you can see
   from this that he was anything but frail - indeed fitter than most
   people half his age.

   As for touring - several people on the list asked why he doesn't
   and all the surmises left out the obvious one - you only tour when
   orchestras hire you.  However, I'm pleased to say that Georg has five
   concerts (ie, different programs) in Tokyo in 2000 and 2001, plus
   one concert each with a leading American orchestra and a leading
   Swiss orchestra - sorry I can't say more but the announcements haven't
   been made yet and so are confidential for now.  These have all come
   about because of favourable reaction to his Bruckner recordings -
   especially in Japan, where they seem to be an outstanding success.

   At any rate, thanks again for the nice remarks, and I hope you don't
   mind my setting the record straight.

   Best wishes!

   Tanya Tintner

So it seems that Georg Tintner is not only hale, hearty, and working; he
has room for further engagements if opportunities arise.

(But he does .look. frail.)

Alan Dudley
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