Marvin Gold <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I was searching the net for information about the music of Eduardo Fabini.
>I would very much appreciate receiving any information about any recordings
>of Fabini's and other Uruguayan composers.

I would be interested in any reply to that question too!

I have been looking for information without any success.

All that I can suggest is a look at the Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra

There is an e-mail address on it which might be useful.

It seems to have replaced the Symphony Orchestra of the S.O.D.R.E.
(Uruguayan National Radio) as the country's main orchestra, but I would
not even be sure about that.

I have never heard of a commercial recording of Ascone's or Tosar's
symphonies, or, for that matter, of Fabini's orchestral poems.  On the
other hand, I seem to remember that some Tosar (probably Dances) had been
recorded by the Louisville Orchestra.

Wouldn't Professor Alvaro Pierri be the closest person to ask?  He teaches
in Canada (Montreal) and comes from Uruguay...

Best wishes,

Thanh-Tam Le
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