Deryk Barker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>DOGGEREL????? Step outside sir!

snipus maximus

Harumph!  Should choose my words more carefully, shouldn't I? Didn't
intend any perjorative interpretation -- I'm a great admirer of Flanders
and Swann's artistry and ability, as well as their sense of humor.  I
especially remember a monologue about Flanders in his wheelchair parking
his car on a slope next to "a nasty American car -- had an engine and teeth
at both ends." or something similar.  Also the fabulous history of the
Olivador with his pick of sharpened wood for spearing recalcitrant olives
bred for the Martini in the rugged foothills of Andalucia, and of course
the Matador with his small round mat!

Simpler, less involved and much funnioer days it sometimes seems.

>Anyone who still thinks it's still doggerel should try writing their
>own lyrics to an entire movement.

No thanks -- too much like hard work.  But thanks for the offer.
