Wes wrote:

>I wholeheartedly agree with Don on this one.  I would love to hear a Bach
>Opera!!!!  Imagine the duets and choruses all done by the master.  Sheesh!!
>I would also have loved to hear a Bach symphony had the time been right for
>Bach to be alive during the time of the Romantic period with the newfound
>freedom of form and harmony.  Bach's complete musical mastery would have
>most certainly turned out some awe-inspiring work!  If only.........

In my opinion(of course very personal),i don't think the Maestro Bach,would
spent his time making any opera.His worried always was 100 % pure music,and
i think he (Bach) would consider opera a kind of theater with some music
accompaniment.Of course Symphonic music is a different story.  Regards,
