Robert Clements <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Best known for their lugubrious _Hippopotamus Song_ (aka _Mud!  Mud!
>Glorious Mud!_), Flanders (sng) & Swann (p) jointly produced some of the
>funniest lied this century; as well as startlingly serious pieces such as
>_Slow Train_; while severally Flanders wrote a popular English narration
>for Stravinski's _Soldier's Tale_ while Swann produced a large body of more
>traditionally classical lied as well as a number of major choral scores...
>none of which (as far as i can tell) have been recorded....

I agree -- some of their gentle comedy (actually some of it was quite
biting -- I remember a 'Song of HiFi' or something similarly titled which
took a ride out of audiophiles even in the 1950s.) I didn't know anything
about Flanders' narration for Stravinsky -- I would certainly like to know
more about it.

What ever happened to Swann after Flanders' untimely demise? I heard he
caught religion in a big way, but I've sort of lost track...
