As a former resident of Columbia, Missouri, I can reply to the questions
about KBIA and the University of Missouri Music Department.  Essentially
the music department is OK, but not as good as it thinks it is.  They do
produce some good players and some good concerts, but no one would say
that the quality is stellar.

The manager of KBIA was also the manager of the University concert
series for several years.  His big brag after he took over was that he
sold more tickets on fewer attractions than anyone before him.  Once
"rival" KOPN cancelled their classical music in the morning KBIA cut back
on theirs--when I left Missouri they were down to 3 hours a day, mostly
non-descript baroque and classic period stuff.  Any questions as to why I'm
happy to be around the much-maligned WRR?

Aaron J. Rabushka
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