Bob Yoon wrote:

>I would like to respond to several points.  I actually do believe that
>there are conductors today who deserve to be mentioned with the Reiners,
>Klemperers, and the Toscaninis.  To me, they are Abbado, Muti, Haitink,
>and especially Rattle.  Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the newer
>generations of conductors.  They're all starting to sound the same, and
>I think the fault should go to the record companies that seem to look for
>a certain type and exploit it.

While to my ears Rattle is something of an exception, Muti, and Abbado
sound the same to me.  I don't blame the record companies, for I see it as
the natural outgrowth of recording.  To my mind, recording has distorted
the art of music and given many to think that every note must be in place.
To do that, one needs to be very careful in a recording session.  That is
why I prefer broadcast and live performance recordings.

>...  So on some level, I do concede that conductors today
>that conductors have lost the individualism that the older conductors had.
>They just don't have the same amount of experience - these companies raid
>the talent pool too early.  These artists need to develop both their
>technique and their style before they try to take on the world.

I would disagree. I believe that many of the younger generation have
plenty of technique, they just don't communicate anything to me.

>Some orchestras have remained to stand above the crowd and maintain
>its individualism.  To this day, no brass section can touch the signature
>sound and blend of the Chicago SO.

I believe much of this and related problems are the result of management.
There was a time when a conductor had final say over programming, and the
selection of players.

>I still remain optimistic, since I'm a budding musician and I would like
>conditions to get better by the time I enter this dog-eat-dog world of
>classical music.  Until then, I'll be spending most of my money in the
>historical recordings sections.

You are not alone.
