Bob K. writes:

>Bob K., Platonist Naxophile

Naxophile....A new word for the English lexicon.  FWIW, I am approaching
the point where Naxos will comprise about half of my CM collection.  And
almost all of them purchased only after being reccomended by another CM

In the past week I bought Naxos disks of music by Rawsthorne, Bax and
Martinu.  These aren't exactly household names.  Only the Rawsthorne was
a shot in the dark, the others had been recommended and the Rawshtorne,
while quirky, was still quite enjoyable.

Since only Chandos and EMI deliver much in the way of modern English
repetoire (and most of the EMI is unavailable in the States), Naxos is
not only affordable but is often the only distributor making this music
available in the States.

My only question is why aren't conductors like David Lloyd-Jones, Kuchar
and Tintner taking advantage of their exposure and touring? Given a choice
between seeing them conduct and Mehta or Abbado, I know who I would choose.

Steve M. (Northern Virginia)