To create a "Post Modernist" piece in the minimalist style, here's the
basic recipe:

Basic set of diatonic chords
Basic set of rhythmic patterns or cells
Accidentals to taste
Instrumentation to taste

(Variation: Add a few modulations)

On a large sheet of music manuscipt paper, score your new composition to
determine the desired instrumentation.  You are now ready to inscribe your
basic set of rhythms and diatonic chords in whatever pattern suits your
purpose.  Repeat these musical patterns.  Repeat them again, and again, and
again....  Sprinkle accidentals to create chromatic chords to taste.  Now,
eventually, still repeating the patterns in a fairly obvious way, use your
inherent wiles and musical 'nous' (adding a modulation or two, if desired)
to fold in the dry ingredients, i.e.  vary the rhythms and progression of
chords very gradually to subtle and almost imperceptible effect.  At some
point, bring the composition to an abrupt end.

When this method is applied with sufficient skill and imagination, like the
"Felders Never-Fail Sponge Cake", it will rise to the occasion, bringing
its creator much critical acclaim.

Geoffrey S.W. Gaskell