I few weeks ago I posted about a baby with unusual tongue motion causing
Mom used the finger technique from the Breastfeeding Answer Book which
helped then but the baby is at it again and this technique doesn't seem to
help this time.
I hate it when patients have problems I can't fix. (reason to not be a
When I saw the baby at 2 weeks she had stopped this and was growing well.
To following is mom's description.

"As for describing it again, the description I read which seemed to describe
it is - One of the possible causes for soreness is "baby pulling tongue back
with each suck (producing "biting" effect)"   You can actually see her jaw
(jerking, snapping??) and milk is slipping out of her mouth.

I was about to give her pumped milk (but was hesitant because I don't do
well with the pump and any pumped milk is a precious commodity that I'm
saving for Saturday night Dad feeding), so I tried twice more, the second
time, I gave up and just let her do it me (brought tears to my eyes, and I
checked for blood, because I felt that if it hurt that much, there must be
blood involved) and then she just corrected herself.

She can start and stop it seemingly at will (hers not mine), so we are just
taking it one feeding at a time, but I'm a-scared."


Rob Cordes, DO, FAAP, FACOP
general pediatrician
Wilkes Barre PA
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