I'll go along with Tom on this one.  The GM technology is proceeding like an
express train and nobody has checked whether the brakes work.  There is
massive ignorance on all sides.  The UK Ministry of Agriculture were quite
sure that a 2 metre break was quite sufficient to ensure that pollen does not
escape from  a test plot: any beekeeper in the last hundred years could have
told them differently and so could any hay fever sufferer.  In only the last
few weeks has an Agriculture Minister told Parliament that bees carry pollen
for miles.

Our County BKA has been concerned at GM crops.  We have been unable to
discover what experiments have taken place involving bees and honey in this
connection, by the GM companies or anybody else.  Unless anybody knows
different we can only assume the answer is "None".

I would not place too much trust on research paid for by people with a vested
interest.  There has to be suspicion that the questions that are asked are
those to which they already have a good idea what the answer is and it is the
answer they want.

I am sorry to be so cynical but the path to public safety is paved with
eternal vigilance.
Chris Slade