>Step 4 of UNICEF's Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative states: Help Mothers
initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth (in all other nations than
the US, it's 30 minutes; the time parameter here is 60 minutes, I am not
sure why--and this, BTW, was the only change made in the TEn Steps for the

For information:  In the UK Step 4 now reads 'Help mothers initiate
breastfeeding soon after birth' and the only time measure mentioned is that
'skin contact is expected to be uniterrrupted for at least half a n hour and
ideally longer'.

I recall that this was done becasue there was a lot of concern that we were
finally moving away from lots of 'timing' rules (e.g. 10 minutes a side) and the
original Step 4 wording introduced an new measure of time to impose of the
primary feeding experience.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter (and sometime BFI lay assessor), BfN, UK

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