I am looking for participants to take part in my doctoral dissertation
research.  I am doing a study on Gramophiles of Western European Art
Music who are defined as avid and passionate listeners and collectors of
classcial music.  They are typified by large recording collections,they
know much about Western art music and yet they have no formal musical

The following is a list of questions that will give you an ides of the
type of information I am seeking.

I am writing a Ph.D.  research paper and would like anybody who fits
the description of a gramophile to tell me about their experience of a
gramophile: one who is nuts about classical music.  They have numerous
recordings and they are very knowledgeable about music.  They read CD
notes, program notes and other sources - anything that informs them about
their interest.  They also willoften have a dozen recordings of the same
work just to compare the different interpretations.  Some of them are opera
buffs - they know everything about opera.  The special thing they all share
is that they do not have any musical training.  In most cases they do not
play a musical instrument.  They love to listen and to talk about classical
music.  I want to find out how these gramophiles came to love this music so
intensely.  In other words what are the influences in their young lives all
the way through to adolescence and beyond; hence the titel of my
study--Gramophiles of Western art Music: Their Enculturation and

Examples of questions that will asked of you:
- Who introduced you to classical music?
- Did your parents listen to it?
- Did your friends or relatives listen in their homes?
- Were you taken to concerts of classical music as a child?
- what do you like about classical music?
- What does it do for you?
- What are your favourite composers?
- What about a favourite instrument?
- Do you consider yourself to be introvert or extrovert?
- Do you enjoy talking about music and listening to music with
   your friends or is listening something you do privately?
- Do you read magazines like The Gramophone or Stereo, Opera News?
- Do you own a Schwann catalogue?
- Has anyone ever used the term "gramophile" or "audiophile" to describe the
   type of listener that you are?
- Have you had any musical training?
- Do you play an instrument?  by notes or by ear?
- How many years did you take lessons?
- Did you hear classical music in your home?
- Do you have fond memories of this music from childhood?
- What is your earliest association with classical music/  Describe it?

I would really appreciate it if you would e-mail any response to Moira
Szabo at [log in to unmask]

If you think you might be interested in participatin gin this study
please contact me and I will send you more detail.

I look forward to your reply.
