Aaron Rabushka wrote:

>The other day I found an unexpected treasure at the Fort Worth Library--
>the 3rd Symphony of Ernest Toch!  Where was it? On an LP filed under
>"Hindemith--Mathis der Mahler" under the general heading of symphonies.
>So much for the alphabetical approach!  (The performances, BTW, featuring
>the Pittsburgh Symphony with Steinberg conducting, are great!)

For anyone interested, that's a fairly common old LP on Capitol.  Common in
that I see it in used LP stores regularly, if not every day.  Usually, you
find it in mono.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a stereo LP of this, or one
in good condition.  I thought it was/is on CD, but don't see it in my
Winter Schwann, so maybe I'm wrong.  But it is worth looking for.

Roger Hecht