Richard Pennycuick wrote concerning the review of Nielsen string quartets:

>Just to make life more difficult for an already busy man, Don should
>know there's a Naxos series in train as well.  Yes, I know that
>sentence is ambiguous, in order to give him a face-saver in the unlikely
>event he didn't know about it.

I thank Richard for his thoughtfulness.  As it happens, I have volume 1
from the Naxos series.  This volume just didn't have the opus 5 quartet.
Would I leave Naxos out of the playing field?

Richard also mentioned the inherent problems of developing/maintaining
a decent cd storage system.  When I first read his post, I said to myself,
"There's no way I'm going to have a problem." Just one day later I must eat
my words.  I had filled 20 drawers alphabetically, with each drawer holding
about 80 cds.  I had a pieces of paper indicating what was in each drawer.
Now, I can't find the papers - they're long gone.  So, there's big problem
no.1, and I've just scratched the surface.  The positive end of my process
so far is that I set aside about 30 cds of early music and gave them to
my daughter.  Her eyes bulged, she gave me a big kiss, and zoomed home
to start listening to her new music.  She loves early music and chant,
I don't, so it's a very good free transaction for both of us.

Don Satz
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