About Ars Nova and Scnabel's Violin Sonatas, Joel Hill writes:

>Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!!!!  How better to go bankrupt
>than by flooding the market with totally obscure works by a composer who
>is basically known for his playing of Beethoven on the piano. There are
>probably *NOT* 100 people in the "greater metropolitan" area of Tallahassee
>who have even heard of Schnabel.

Some reactions to this:

  1.  Is this not a university town we are speaking of? I would bet that
      more than 100 people have heards of Schnabel.

  2.  I am way more dismayed at the spotty stocks you find at Tower,
      Borders, and some internet cd outlets.  Try searching Amazon.com
      for something just a bit of the beaten path!!

  3.  Schnabel's Second Symphony is an excellent work, IM not so HO.
      Not a lovable work, not a comfortable work, but if you like(for
      example) Krenek or Sessions, you may like this one.

Bernard Chasan