I was in our local Spec's Music Store today.  An elderly clerk
(white-haired - no kidding) asked if he could help me.  I happened to be
at the Naxos rack and remarked that their supply of Naxos CD's was getting
smaller and smaller.  I asked why, and was told that they must not be
selling too well.

They obviously were selling to some degree, or else the supply would not be

I then asked how the Arte Nova disks were doing since they were right next
to Naxos.  He told me that they were selling even less well.

HELLO ARTE NOVA!!!  Why would *ANYONE* think that it makes any sense to
have EIGHT (8) copies of Artur Schnabel's Violin and Piano/Violin Sonatas
on a rack in Tallahassee, Florida.  Or anywhere else for that matter.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!!!!  How better to go bankrupt
than by flooding the market with totally obscure works by a composer who
is basically known for his playing of Beethoven on the piano.  There are
probably *NOT* 100 people in the "greater metropolitan" area of Tallahassee
who have even heard of Schnabel.

There - I've said it.  This is *nothing* against the recording of "unknown"
works, but 8 copies still on the rack???? I wonder how many they have
already sold.  Also - nothing against the white-haired man.  Glad Spec's
has Senior Salesclerks.  Now I know where to go and look for a job in a
year or two.  By then the label will be Arte Vecchio.

Joel Hill
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Tallahassee, FL