Eric Kisch wrote:

>...but what if we interpret Adorno's view as saying, "part of your
>responsibility as an artist is to see that your work can't be used
>by tyrants and demogogues as weapons against humanity."

I no longer have the original post where this appeared or my earlier
response to it.  IIRC, however, the purported quote was a paraphrase,
which I hoped was inaccurate.  It's one thing to stick an artist for his
*statements* and another, asuming we're not talking abour writers, for his
work.  If Wagner utters diatribes against the Jews that, decades later,
may have been picked up by the Nazis in furtherance of their atrocities, I
can understand holding Wagner responsible for in some way authorizing or
condoning them, even if I don't agree.  But I totally fail to understand
how he could be held responsible, if *after his death* his *work*, i.e.,
*Tristan*, *Meistersinger*, *Lohengrin*, etc., was seized upon by the Nazis
to further their program.

I wonder what Adorno thought of Michelangelo's Pieta.

Walter Meyer