James Zehm calls for backsmirking: huh?

>I wrote that:
>>I still have a hard time to make up my mind about Mravinsky in general.
>Why, why, why is it so difficult for some to crown Mravinsky with laurel,
>what he rightfully deserves for his Sjosty, instead of bashing him in this
>toodelly-teedely backsmirking way?

Dear Mr Zehm, Yours truly, with a small collection of recordings of Dmitri
Dimitreyev Shostakovich symphonical works, featuring a mere 16 issues where
Yevgeni Mravinsky conducts, have, yes, "a hard time making up his mind"
about this same conductors manners and quirkyness while performing.

This, Dear Sir, is my privilege and might I say; I am not alone, as the
composer himself, even in written statement, expressed similar concerns,
and if You Sir, had read the most basic literature concerning DDS, being a
gentleman, would have kept Your toodelly-teedelies in Your mouth, helping
You to perhaps to write some more accurate commentary.

As for Mr Mravinsky, I consider him a splendid conductor - Even if He, in
my shortsighted view, is neither the first or last wen expressing musical
thought through His orchestra.  Not neglecting the fact that YM premiered
six of the symphonies (5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12) and was the honored by DDS
dedicating the Eight to him.  And while I agree with Deryk that the BBC
legends recording of the eight is marvellous, I belive that Kurt Sanderling
still have a better "all over grip" on this symphony.

peter lundin, gothenburg.se -  Counting the days: DSCH 100 (1906-2006)