Don Satz wrote:

>It does bother me some when persons whom I consider of only moderate or
>less talent/skill are lauded by other persons who are intelligent and know
>music very well.  It's as if the world has gone into a tailspin.  Williams,
>Madonna, Michael Jackson - the list goes on far too long.  Mediocrity and
>worse rises to the top, while individual excellence, focus, and dedication
>are thrown in the dumpster.  It's very difficult for any society to
>maintain its viability when the sludge is saluted.  Hail to the Chief!

Sorry you're feeling a bit grumpy, Don (or at least, you were when you
wrote this).  I certainly sympathize with these sentiments (although I feel
a bit better when I reflect on the incomes that some of the superstarts of
the classical music world seem to be pulling down).  However, I prefer to
look at it this way:  Williams, Madonna, and Michael Jackson are very good
at what they do -- it's just that what they do isn't the same thing that
Bach, Beethoven, and you know who did (I refrain from mentioning any of
their contemporary colleagues in order to avoid more controversy).  You
and I prefer the latter kind of music, but I must admit that Madonna and
Michael are excellent at being whatever they are, and it probably took them
a lot of focus and dedication to get where they are.  I do find that it
simplifies my life considerably to be able to ignore them.

Jon Johanning // [log in to unmask]