Walter Meyer wrote:

>Please don't take offense.  There may be a language problem here.  (I note
>that your E-Mail address is from Peru.) I can't find "iniciatic" in any
>of my dictionaries.  What do you mean by the term?

Don't worried,i don't take ofense on it.About the term "iniciatic",i use
it in English,just because people who speak about this topic in English
with me use it frequentely.But yours is a good question,then after read
your message,i went to my English -Castilian dictionary and i can't find
that term either.  Well anyway that word comes from "Initiation" which
really means "introduction".In the Esoteric field,is commonly used as
introduction to some esoteric fraternity.  Then the term iniciatic is
related in general with esoteric things.  As an example: The iniciatic
context of the Zauberflote,means more or less:the esoteric context of the

Best wishes.