Thanks to Bernard Chasan for providing his account of Mr. Drury's lecture.

Among his many comments, Bernard wrote:

>He emphasized his preference for experiencing sound rather than for
>music which tells a story.

Drury is entitled to his preference, although I don't know why anyone would
pay more attention to his than to another person's or why anyone would
spend time at a lecture he was giving.  I'm always contrary and skeptical
of persons in positions of power and influence, particularly at the
university level.

Where Drury is on target is that much of modern composition deals mainly in
sound.  If you listen to these works with the traditional focus, it must be
a real shock and not rewarding at all.

If Drury is of the belief that listeners need to shed once and for all
their customary approach to listening, he's lost me.  I favor the
democratic approach - listen to what you want any way you want.  Just don't
expect me to follow your lead.  I'm a terrible follower and not a much
better leader.

Don Satz
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